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Adult Fairytales (DVD) 88 Films


Little Bo Peep, Old King Cole, Little Tommy Tucker, Snow White, and many others, have all grown up and are ready for action! These enchanting characters from beloved nursery rhymes sing, dance, lust, and romance their way through this hilarious, naughty, and twisted tale where music, mirth, and merriment are the rule of the day. In a clothing optional land of make believe where everything is possible. See “Scream Queen” Linnea Quigley star in her first feature role in this erotic musical funfest!!

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Special Features

Brand new HD restoration from the original camera negative
2.35:1 widescreen presentation with newly created English subtitles
Audio Commentary by writer Frank Ray Perilli and producer Charles Band
Fairy Tales Trailer
Reversible Sleeve with alternate original poster




88 Films