
Sacha Guitry Four Films 1936-1938 (Blu-ray) Arrow Ltd


Sacha Guitry has been referred to as the Gallic Noël Coward – a celebrated polymath who worked as a stage actor, film actor, director, screenwriter, and as an acclaimed playwright. Four Films 1936-1938 brings together a quartet of 1930s features by Guitry, each based on his own, earlier works for the theatre.

The New Testament (Le Nouveau testament) follows a holier-than-though physician who is scuppered by his own hypocrisy. My Father Was Right (Mon père avait raison) tells of a man who, after being left by his wife for another man, raises his son to be wary of women. Let’s Make a Dream… (Faisons un rêve…) is another story of mistrust, between husband, wife and their lovers. And the history of one of France’s most famous streets is retold in Let’s Go Up the Champs-Élysées (Remontons les Champs-Élysées), featuring multiple performances from Guitry himself.

This set presents some of Guitry’s most enjoyable works for the first time on Blu-ray, with each film amply displaying the versatile talents of this unique performer and artist.

2 in stock

Special Features

Limited Dual Format Collection [1500 copies]
High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) and Standard Definition DVD presentations
Original French mono soundtracks on all films (uncompressed LPCM on Blu-ray)
Optional English language subtitles
Newly filmed introduction to the films of Sacha Guitry by French cinema expert and academic Ginette Vincendeau
Selected scene commentaries by Ginette Vincendeau
Four video essays on different Guitry themes by critic Philippe Durant
Interviews about Guitry with writer and director Francis Veber, and filmmaker Pascal Thomas
Let’s Make a Dream… sound tests
Let’s Make a Dream… theatrical trailer
Reversible sleeves featuring newly commissioned artwork by Scott Saslow for all films
Limited edition 60-page book illustrated with original stills, featuring new writing by Craig Keller and Sabrina Marques; and credits for all films [Limited Edition Exclusive]



