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Space: 1999 The Complete Series (Blu-ray) Network


A nuclear waste dump on the Moon unexpectedly detonates, blasting it out of orbit and taking the inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha on a fantastic voyage of discovery to the stars, fraught with danger at every turn!

Gerry Anderson’s massively popular sci-fi series is presented here as stunning restorations from original film elements, giving an exceptional level of picture quality – Space: 1999 has never looked better.

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Special Features

Digitally restored from new High Definition transfers
Newly remixed 5.1 tracks
Music-only tracks on most episodes
Original 'as broadcast' mono track
Gerry Anderson commentary on Breakaway and Dragon's Domain
Text episode commentaries on The Last Sunset and Space Brain
Image galleries of rare and previously unseen stills
Unfinished generic textless opening titles
Textless episode material (mute)
Textless end titles
Seed of Destruction – series one version: a second-series episode presented in the style of the first series



